Sojne data posto recipe | Sojne data recipe | Poppy seed with drumsticks

Sojne data posto recipe | Sojne data recipe | Poppy seed with drumsticks

The drumsticks with poppy seeds puree recipe is authentic and traditional cuisine of Bengal. The recipe is made only with green chili, you will never find the use of red chili powder. This is pure vegetarian recipe. You can cook this recipe in very less time. Not only taste but drumsticks benefits are also there. Drumsticks have essential vitamins, calcium, minerals and iron too. Here the posto means poppy seeds paste.


  • Drumstick - 250 gram / সজনে ডাঁটা - 250 গ্রাম
  • Poppy seeds - 50 gram / পোস্ত বীজ - 50 গ্রাম
  • Green chilies to taste / স্বাদ মতো সবুজ মরিচ
  • Tomato - 30 gram / টমেটো - 30 গ্রাম
  • Salt to taste / প্রয়োজন অনুযায়ী লবণ
  • Big size onion / বড় আকারের পেঁয়াজ
  • Mustard oil - 3 tablespoon / সরিষার তেল - 3 টেবিল চামচ
  • Water as per need / প্রয়োজন অনুযায়ী জল
Sojne data posto recipe


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